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Bonnie and Clyde

April 13, 2012

Set in the depression, Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks to survive. No matter what their motives were they were still criminals but in the publics eye they were more like icons, for they were doing what everyone else thought about doing. Stealing was surviving. Bonnie and Clyde meet in 1930 while Bonnie’s murdering husband was still in jail. Soon after they met Clyde was sent to prison and escaped using a gun that Bonnie had smuggled in for him. Later he returned to jail, this time finishing his sentence and was released in 1932. This show how close they were from the start, that Bonnie was willing to commit a crime for a man she had just met truly emphasises their relationship.

Bonnie and Clyde the movie stayed very true to the story that I’ve heard. Doing a little research about this dynamic duo it would seem that the movie does do a good job at portraying their relationship and the crimes that they were guilty of. The two unlikely robber’s form a same gang with Clyde’s brother Buck Barrow and his wife Blanche, along with William Daniel Jones ( in the movie his name is C.W. Moss). The cast that played these lovable bank robbers was Warren Beatty as Clyde, Faye Dunaway as Bonnie, Michael J. Pollard and C.W. Moss, Gene Hackman and Buck and Estelle Parsons and Blanche. They do a fine job as portraying the roles of Bonnie and Clyde and though the rest are fairly unknown in today’s public eye they are true to the character’s that they set out to play. Dunaway does a great job at playing Bonnie, a small town girl who wanted to get away and live an exciting life.

Over all I really liked watching this movie. I’m not sure how close it really followed to their real life story but it gave a better idea of what Bonnie and Clyde really did while they were being pursued by the police. It was a good way to learn more about them in a way that didn’t seem like learning and it really made me want to push my self to go find out what really happened. The fact that it was a crime spree that reach much of the southern United States made this case Federal and brought the FBI into it. many local officer’s tried to help but were shot down on the job or badly wounded. By the time that they died they were suspected at milling 13 people, which lead to their merciless killing when they were gunned down in May 1934.

I really did like this movie and it would be one that I would add to my collection. I think that the cast did a fine job at recreating the lives of Bonnie and Clyde and the crimes that they committed. I would recommend this to a friend if they like the idea of a timeless crime spree. Much like in the resent movie starring Johnny Depp Public Enemies, you can’t help but love the criminals that are represented on film and in the end you cheer for their survival since that is what they set out to achieve.

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